Monday, March 31

Day: May 20, 2021

The Consequences Of A First Time DUI Offense

The Consequences Of A First Time DUI Offense

Most states consider first-offense DUI as a misdemeanour but a conviction for the offense is a serious matter. There are long-term consequences for a first-time DUI aside from the mandatory sentence and possible punishments. Even if the offender is placed on probation, the court can still order jailtime as one of the conditions for probation. Punishment for first offense DUI Generally, conviction for first-offense DUI is punishable with fines, community service, license suspension and possible probation. However, there are certain factors that can change the nature of the charge resulting to enhanced sentences and penalties. For example, if the police officer finds an open container inside the vehicle or if a child is present in the vehicle, the driver can still be charged with misde...