Monday, March 3

Month: November 2021

Everything You Need To Know About Filing A Car Accident Counterclaim 

Everything You Need To Know About Filing A Car Accident Counterclaim 

Pointing fingers and blaming the other party is a common and expected scenario after a car accident. When the other party feels that you were at fault, they usually file an insurance claim against your insurance company to recover compensation. But, just because the other party filed a claim does not mean that you cannot oppose it.  When you make a counterclaim, you are claiming that the other party had caused the accident. A counterclaim states that the original claim is partially or entirely wrong. If someone is wrongfully blaming you for an accident you did not cause, you can hire a Lake Oswego car accident attorney to know the steps of filing a counterclaim.  What is a counterclaim in a car accident? Suppose that you have been in a car accident where the other party...
Hiring An Estate Planning Professional Has A Number Of Advantages

Hiring An Estate Planning Professional Has A Number Of Advantages

Amongst the most essential tasks people can really do to guarantee your desires are carried out only when they die or are incompetent to handle their assets is to create or update current estates planning papers, such as testamentary, foundations, national healthcare mandates, powers of attorneys, and instruments. There really is no dearth of doing your estate planning on your own in today’s digital era. It’s understandable to be enticed by the apparent minimal price of using an internet service operator to generate your legal paperwork. Nevertheless, this may also culminate in an overall estate plan failing to accomplish your goals. For such a multitude of factors, engaging an estate planning attorney to design and implement one’s legal paperwork is a sensible choice to make: They Ma...

Can I discharge my student loans through bankruptcy?

  People often ask if student loans can be discharged by declaring bankruptcy. The usual response is an emphatic "NO!" It is possible to get your student loans forgiven by filing bankruptcy. This requires you to file a special motion at the Bankruptcy Court. What evidence do you need to provide when you file your motion? Bankruptcy law requires that you prove to the court that student loans have caused you "undue financial difficulty". The "Brunner Test", which is used by many courts across the country, identifies when student loans can cause "undue financial difficulties". According to the Brunner Test, you have to show: If you are forced to repay loans, it is impossible to maintain a minimum standard of living for your family members or yourself. This is based o...

St. Petersburg Slip-and-fall Attorneys

Our St. Petersburg slip-and-fall attorneys are close by and have represented more than 20,000 victims. While every case is unique, our lawyers know how to help victims of premises-related injuries such as falls and slips. Jenkins Law is the right choice for your St. Petersburg premises liability case. We have experience. We're not just lawyers. We have helped victims of slip, trip, and fall injuries to the tune of tens of millions.We have an entire team of slip and fall attorneys. Unlike other injury and accident law firms that have one lawyer working in a virtual office with an administrative assistant, Abrahamson & Uiterwyk has a team of over 10+ attorneys and 40+ legal professionals who are dedicated to helping people recover after slip and fall accidents.We are here ...
5 Questions To Ask A Probate Lawyer

5 Questions To Ask A Probate Lawyer

Meeting an attorney can be stressful. But knowing how to talk with them.or what are the questions to ask a probate attorney can help you. Here, in this article, we will discuss the questions that you can ask your probate lawyer. Let's read the article. I hope it will help you to hire the right attorney for your task. As hiring the right attorney ensures, your asset will safely pass to your next generation. 1.         What Are The Areas Of Law You Do Practice? There are different areas of law. Each lawyer is proficient in a specific field. Some work in criminal law, some in business law, and some others in real estate. When hiring a private lawyer, make sure to check their testimonials about where they do the practice. A lawyer who doesn't focus on estate can't correctly handle real est...
Prove the aspects of the case in a Texas personal injury lawsuit to get damages

Prove the aspects of the case in a Texas personal injury lawsuit to get damages

Personal injury is the legal term for physical, mental, or emotional harm. It is best to hire a Personal Injury Attorney Dallas Texas to help prove the aspects of their case in a Texas personal injury lawsuit to get damages. Thousands of people are harmed each year as a result of negligence. Many accidental injuries are debilitating, difficult, and life-altering, causing victims to feel mental stress in addition to physical pain. What classifies as a personal injury? A plaintiff in a case will be represented by a personal injury lawyer. In personal injury cases, the plaintiff has been harmed, and a lawyer can assist in holding a party or defendant accountable for that harm, whether intentionally or negligently. Personal damage can be avoided in many circumstances. Personal injury can...
New To Filing A Personal Injury Claim?Know-How ToDo It Easily

New To Filing A Personal Injury Claim?Know-How ToDo It Easily

The types of personal injury are as many as the possibilities of getting injured. The personal injury law is inclusive of the broadest range of incidents; starting from something minor as a slip and fall to something severe as car accidents. One incident has no relationship with the other and doesn’t involve a similar timeline. The majority of it is based on the seriousness of the resulting personal injury, the transparency of the issue, everybody who is to be held responsible, and whether the insurance policy covers the incident. Let's look closely into some of the considerations associated with personal injury claims. You would also have a clear idea of when to hire a personal injury lawyer and the best possible course of action for the incident. Top Factors To Understand When Filing...
The Three Simple Steps of Estate Planning

The Three Simple Steps of Estate Planning

Everyone has to die someday, and that’s why you need to plan it all before bidding adieu to the world. All of us leave a special one behind after our death. It could be your mother, spouse, kids, and other relatives. Perhaps you had a very special friend whom you would like to include in the will. Some of us are fortunate to have a family (by blood) and others create their family along the journey of life. Estate planning is a necessity – you are able to plan your family’s future ahead of time. There are some simple steps to do this. Let’s check out this article as it has all the information. What's an estate? Estate is everything that one owns – cars, houses, jewellery, money, and any other personal belongings. No matter how much money or assets you own, you won’t take it w...
Do All Estates Need to Go through The Process of Probate?   

Do All Estates Need to Go through The Process of Probate?  

One of the most important activities an executor of any estate can undertake is attaining a Grant of Probate smoothly from the Supreme Court. It is, however, not only time-intensive, but it may also be a pricey activity. The estate can normally anticipate losing a certain amount of money by the time advertising fees, solicitor fees, and also Supreme Court filing fees, etc. are paid. When dealing with any deceased estate, however, it is not always required to petition for such a Grant of Probate. As a result, it is critical to evaluate the entire assets and liabilities with your lawyer to determine whether it is necessary. Australian probate laws may not be as easy and simple that any executor without any legal knowledge can handle the entire task without involving any probate lawy...