Tuesday, March 4

Day: November 20, 2021


Can I discharge my student loans through bankruptcy?

  People often ask if student loans can be discharged by declaring bankruptcy. The usual response is an emphatic "NO!" It is possible to get your student loans forgiven by filing bankruptcy. This requires you to file a special motion at the Bankruptcy Court. What evidence do you need to provide when you file your motion? Bankruptcy law requires that you prove to the court that student loans have caused you "undue financial difficulty". The "Brunner Test", which is used by many courts across the country, identifies when student loans can cause "undue financial difficulties". According to the Brunner Test, you have to show: If you are forced to repay loans, it is impossible to maintain a minimum standard of living for your family members or yourself. This is based o...

St. Petersburg Slip-and-fall Attorneys

Our St. Petersburg slip-and-fall attorneys are close by and have represented more than 20,000 victims. While every case is unique, our lawyers know how to help victims of premises-related injuries such as falls and slips. Jenkins Law is the right choice for your St. Petersburg premises liability case. We have experience. We're not just lawyers. We have helped victims of slip, trip, and fall injuries to the tune of tens of millions.We have an entire team of slip and fall attorneys. Unlike other injury and accident law firms that have one lawyer working in a virtual office with an administrative assistant, Abrahamson & Uiterwyk has a team of over 10+ attorneys and 40+ legal professionals who are dedicated to helping people recover after slip and fall accidents.We are here ...