Tuesday, March 4

Day: November 24, 2021

Everything You Need To Know About Filing A Car Accident Counterclaim 

Everything You Need To Know About Filing A Car Accident Counterclaim 

Pointing fingers and blaming the other party is a common and expected scenario after a car accident. When the other party feels that you were at fault, they usually file an insurance claim against your insurance company to recover compensation. But, just because the other party filed a claim does not mean that you cannot oppose it.  When you make a counterclaim, you are claiming that the other party had caused the accident. A counterclaim states that the original claim is partially or entirely wrong. If someone is wrongfully blaming you for an accident you did not cause, you can hire a Lake Oswego car accident attorney to know the steps of filing a counterclaim.  What is a counterclaim in a car accident? Suppose that you have been in a car accident where the other party...