Saturday, February 22

Day: March 8, 2022

What is Asylum In The United States?

What is Asylum In The United States?

People arriving at the United States border have the right to request asylum without being criminalized, turned back, or separated from their children—even during the pandemic. Here’s how the process works: The asylum process is one among several parts of the U.S immigration system that have significantly evolved during the pandemic in 2019 (COVID-19). As of March 20th, 2020, all new asylum seekers have been denied access to the asylum process and immediately deported to either Mexico or their home country. With a few exceptions, unaccompanied children (UACs) are also sent back to their countries of origin without a fair screening or access to due process. Under the new COVID-19 guidelines, the UACs undertake the standard processing procedure. In situations where the asylees are showing...