Monday, March 31

Day: April 13, 2023

Bodily Injury Vs Personal Injury: Understand the Difference

Bodily Injury Vs Personal Injury: Understand the Difference

There are different types of injury that could occur to a person, and understanding the varying terminology can be very important if you get injured. People often use terms like “bodily injury” and “personal injury” as interchangeable terms, but there are times they might not be.  These two terms specifically have defined meanings in most cases. At times, they can overlap but they often mean different things. In fact, they might even mean different things in a criminal court setting as opposed to a civil case setting.  If you’ve suffered an injury at the negligence or misactions of another person, you may be eligible for compensation. Reach out to a Modesto personal injury attorney to help you understand your options.  Read more below to better understand the differences in bodily injur...