Monday, March 31

Day: July 29, 2023

What Are the Most Common Causes Of Car Accidents?

What Are the Most Common Causes Of Car Accidents?

Do you ever wonder what causes car accidents? With millions of cars on the road every day, it's no surprise that accidents happen. However, by understanding the most common causes, you can take steps to prevent them and stay safe while driving. Distracted driving is one of the biggest culprits when it comes to car accidents. Whether you're texting, talking on the phone, or even eating behind the wheel, taking your eyes off the road for just a few seconds can have disastrous consequences. In fact, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), distracted driving was a factor in over 2,800 fatalities in 2018 alone. So put down your phone and stay focused on driving – it could save your life. Distracted Driving You know you've done it before - checking your p...