Saturday, February 22

Day: May 15, 2024

Can Bring a Lawyer to a Clerk Magistrate Hearing in Massachusetts?

Can Bring a Lawyer to a Clerk Magistrate Hearing in Massachusetts?

The Clerk Magistrate Hearing in Massachusetts is the legal process where a court official determines the existence of probable cause, which helps them decide to issue a criminal complaint against the accused. This hearing starts the legal process against an alleged offender of a misdemeanor offense. A private person or the police can apply for this hearing. If you are a possible defendant of a criminal charge, you may be wondering if you must hire a Massachusetts clerk magistrate lawyer to represent you. Keep in mind that the District Court magistrates issue thousands of criminal complaints every year as result of such show cause hearings. Clerk Magistrate hearings are governed by some standards on complaint procedure.  Can You Bring a Lawyer to the Hearing? If you have been accus...