Monday, March 31

Can I be Legally Compensated for my Ankle Fracture Injury?

A fractured ankle can be caused by direct blows, falls, bending, penetrating injuries, twisting, jamming a limb somewhere or jerking. Foot injuries can be disabling and very painful. They reduce the quality of life of the victims by hindering mobility and making it difficult for feet to bear weight. Serious foot injuries such as broken bones can require extensive physical therapy and medical treatment.

According to the injury lawyer at Salamati Law, if you have suffered a serious ankle injury because of another person’s negligence, you are entitled to reimbursement for the physical, emotional and financial damages. Different injuries on the leg, ankle, and foot will result in different amounts of settlements. The amount of settlement is different in different states. The injury settlement will be affected by the number of bones broken in the accident and the type of medical treatment you will need to recover fully.

For instance, a broken foot settlement in California can be valued at $50, 000. A broken leg injury can be anywhere from $10, 000 and above. The settlement amount will be determined by factors such as the number of broken bones, the types of bones that have been broken and whether you require surgery to fully recover or not. Moreover, the longer the recovery time and the more medical treatment you require, the more the money you will be paid for the injuries.

Pain and suffering will be considered when calculating the settlement amount of injured feet. For instance, if you need long-term physical therapy or surgeries, that is linked to the suffering and pain segment and you will stand a chance of getting more money.

Accidents can result in different types of ankle injuries such as sprains which are injuries around the joints and ligaments. Someone can also sustain broken bones, puncture wounds, dislocations, contusions and strains which is overstretching of the muscles, causing fibres to tear. Some of the common causes of ankle injuries include:

Car accidents
According to a study by the Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma, there has been an increase in the number of broken ankle injuries sustained in car accidents and collisions.

Motorcycle crashes
Motorcycle accidents are a common way in which victims get severe ankle injuries.

Many people get injured after tripping, falling and slipping in public areas. They end up sustaining broken bones, twisted or sprained ankles.

Workplace accidents
Common injuries sustained in workplaces include crushed or broken ankles, severed toes and feet, and amputated toes.

Pedestrian accidents
Pedestrians are exposed to the dangers of foot and ankle injury accidents. Pedestrians that are hit by bicycles, vehicles, and motorcycles have no protection from injuries or impact.

Large truck crashes
When a lightweight passenger collides with a heavy commercial truck, he/she can sustain serious injuries such as broken bones on the foot and ankle.

You can get fairly compensated for any injuries sustained from crashes caused by another negligent party. To get the best compensation amount that will adequately cover all your present and future expenses, you need to get a professional lawyer to represent and guide you. You should work with a professional to protect your legal rights and get reimbursed.