Saturday, February 22

Criminal Defense Lawyer vs. a Public Defender

Even though the court provides an attorney for every defendant in every criminal case, your chances of success are better if you hire a criminal defense attorney from a private law firm.

When the police arrest someone on suspicion of a crime, they must read the Miranda warnings to the defendant to ensure that the defendant understands their rights in a criminal case. One of these rights is the right to be represented by an attorney. The Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees the right to a fair trial, meaning that there are no unnecessary delays, the verdict is decided by an unbiased jury, and the defendant has an attorney to represent them.  The U.S. Supreme Court decision Gideon v. Wainwright in 1963 confirmed that defendants in state criminal cases also have the right to representation by a lawyer, not just defendants in federal cases. Since not every defendant can afford a lawyer, the court appoints lawyers from the Public Defender’s office to represent defendants who cannot afford to pay for one.

The Austincriminal defense lawyers at Granger and Mueller can provide your criminal case with the individual care and attention it deserves.

What is the Difference Between a Criminal Defense Lawyer and a Public Defender?

In terms of professional qualifications, there is no difference between lawyers who work at the Public Defender’s office and lawyers who work for private law firms. In both cases, the lawyers hold juris doctor (J.D.) degrees from the colleges of law at accredited universities, and they have passed the Texas bar exam. The main difference is that when you work for the Public Defender’s office, you must accept every case assigned to you. Therefore, every lawyer at the Public Defender’s office is working on hundreds of cases at any moment, especially in a populous city like Austin. Private law firms, by contrast, can choose which defendants they represent. If you contact a law firm, they will devote time and care to your case. A private lawyer will spend the time it takes at your initial consultation to determine whether they are the best person to help you. If they are not, then they can refer you to a different law firm that is better equipped to handle your case. It is not just about pleading innocent or guilty; most defendants plead guilty whether or not they hire a defense lawyer from a private law firm. Despite this, private law firms can often get their clients much better plea deals than public defenders can.

If Private Law Firms are So Much Better, Why Do Public Defenders Exist?

Public defenders exist because the law grants all defendants the right to representation by a professional attorney. The lawyers who work for the Public Defender’s office do it because they believe in justice and want to help defendants exercise their rights. (If you want to know more about what public defenders do, and why they have one of the world’s hardest and most important jobs, watch the documentary Gideon’s Army.) If you cannot afford to hire a lawyer, you should be honest with the lawyer assigned to your case and trust them to make a sincere effort to help you get a plea deal or defend you at trial.

Contact a Skilled Criminal Defense Lawyer Today

A private criminal defense lawyer can help you defend your rights if you are arrested. Do not roll the dice with a public defender when you can hire the best.Contact Granger and Mueller in Austin, Texas, or call (512)474-9999.