Monday, March 31

Essential Information About2nd Degree Sexual Conduct

The criminal conduct of second degree prominently involves sexual assaults like inappropriate touching to persons with disabilities, minor or young children, or the person the perpetrator holds authority over. If found guilty, the offense can lead to severe consequences like imprisonment and charging of fines.

Criminal sexual conduct 2nd degree involves significant consequences that can change the whole course of your life. Therefore, if you are accused of this crime but are innocent, hiring an expert criminal lawyer with expertise in sex crime holds utmost importance so that you can be protected based on your rights.

What Exactly Counts For The 2nd Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct

The 2nd Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct is either inappropriate touching with the sexual purpose or as a form of revenge on the victim. The Michigan law has specific severe laws for this crime and any form of abuse on the victim.

However, advertising the Michigan Laws, you can be accused of the criminal conduct of second degree if you have inappropriate or sexual behavior with:

  • The minor aged person below 13
  • The person below the age of 13 and have blood relations, or you have authority upon
  • A student of a school where you work
  • A person with a disability of any form, mental and physical
  • A child of a foster home
  • Person in County prison where you work.

Apart from these, there are other aspects where you may be accused of a similar crime:

  • Have sexual contact with a disabled person.
  • Forced or threatened to have sexual contact.
  • Having sexual conduct when you are armed.

Penalty For2nd Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct

As this crime is considered severe, you may be sentenced to more than 15 years of imprisonment if found guilty. Moreover, if the victim is a minor and below 13 whereas you are above 17, the charges can be even more severe, as you will be required to be under electronic monitoring for the rest of your life.

With the tag of a sex offender, you will have the chances of losing your job or never get one along with strict rental options. Also, if you possess any registered license, those will get canceled, and you will face a hard time finding another.


The charges and punishments of the criminal sexual conduct of second degree are severe in almost every country’s law where the offender has to face severe consequences. If you are innocent and are being accused wrongly, taking the help of an expert lawyer is the best option.