Saturday, February 22

Essential Things You Need To Know About Fathers Visitation Rights

What next after successfully annulling for divorce? Child support and child custody disputes are the most next likely occurrence. To avoid regular conflicts between you and your divorcee and avoid the questions of who cares more for the child? Who is more entitled? Who is more responsible? You need to hire a professional family law attorney to guide you through the legal processes.

Is it important? Yes. If you live in Tarrant, Johnson, and Parker counties, divorce attorney Weartherford TX can help you with any visitation issues you are facing. It is good to know that two visitation rights fall under fathers’ visitation rights and mothers’ visitation rights.

What are Father’s Visitation Rights?

Many are the times, when separation occurs, fathers hold the opinion of the law to favor mothers when it comes to matters of child custody and child visitation disputes. However, the law first gives the spouse a chance to develop a solution to issues about child visitation and child custody.

The court only steps in when a couple fails to agree or develop a suitable visitation schedule or plan. Unfortunately, the opinion of fathers that the court will always favor mothers has resulted in fathers failing to seek their legal rights. Failing to seek your legal rights as a man is very unfortunate. However, you need to pursue your rights because, in the long run, your kid or kids still need that care, provision, attention, affection, and guidance from you as a father.

Are you a father struggling to win visitation rights for your child? The law is open and transparent to every individual. Fathers’ visitation rights are more or less the same as mothers’ rights except under exemptions stipulated by the law. For example, suppose the mother proves to the court of law that you are not the biological father to the child. In that case, your name is not included in the childbirth certificate, or the mother proves to the court of law that visitation might threaten the child’s welfare, the court might put in place some restriction measures.

Factors That Influence Fathers Visitation schedule

Yes, some factors might determine your visitation schedule. They include

  • Age of your child or children. If your child is an infant, you can only visit them during the day and when the baby is awake.
  • Time. As earlier stated, time is mainly dictated by the age of your kid or kids. The older they, the more likely you will spend more time with them.
  • Meet up places. Are the meeting places safe for your kids? 
  • Where the child or children want to spend their holidays or birthday.

To Sum Up 

If you are looking for professional family law services, think of divorce attorney Weartherford TX.