Saturday, March 29

Examples of Medical Malpractice Cases

Medical malpractice occurs when a medical practitioner or healthcare provider fails to provide the appropriate treatment, causing death, injury, or harm to a patient. Malpractice, similar to negligence, usually involves medical errors that affect diagnosis, health management, medication dosage, treatment, and aftercare.

In general, with the help of a medical malpractice lawyer in Chicago, patients can obtain compensation for any injury or harm resulting from substandard treatment.According to the United States Medical Malpractice Center, about 15,000 to 19,000 lawsuits against physicians every year.

Standard of Care

Healthcare providers are expected to apply appropriate “standard of care” procedures. Although a medical practitioner is not always liable for every suffering a patient faces, they are still legally responsible when a patient suffers injury or harm because of any neglect regarding the “standard of care.”

According to Chicago medical malpractice lawyer, below are factors to consider when looking at medical malpractice:

  • Failure to apply the “standard of care” procedure – The law demands that healthcare providers follow specific standards. Otherwise, they will be accused of negligence.
  • An injury done to a patient due to negligence – No claim can be filed against a provider unless a patient can prove that malpractice or negligence caused them harm or injury.
  • An injury that causes damaging consequences – It must be evident that medical malpractice resulted in significant damage to a patient. Significant damage includes disability, income loss, constant pain, enduring hardship, and suffering.

Note that dissatisfaction with the treatment outcome does not indicate malpractice. It is considered malpractice when negligence results in injury, harm, or death.

Examples of Medical Malpractice

Some examples of medical malpractice cases that could result in a lawsuit include the following:

  • Bedsores or pressure ulcers
  • Deadly infections acquired within the hospital
  • Failure to direct appropriate tests
  • Failure to act based on results
  • Giving the wrong diagnosis
  • Giving wrong prescription, medication, or dosage
  • Incorrect or unnecessary surgery
  • Leaving a surgical instrument in the patient’s body after an operation
  • The patient complains of constant pain after an operation
  • Performing surgery on the wrong side of the body
  • Premature discharge

Other serious events include hospital fires and patients who commit suicide while under the care of a provider.

In fact, according to a report by a group from a university in Illinois in “Annals of Pharmacotherapy,” blood thinners account for 7% of the total medication errors that happen to hospitalized patients. Blood thinners lower the chances of heart attack or stroke by keeping clots from progressing in the arteries and veins. However, receiving high doses of blood thinners can also increase the chances of internal bleeding.

According to the finding by BMJ in 2013, the primary cause of negligence or malpractice was delayed diagnosis or misdiagnosis. Moreover, in 2016, scientists from John Hopkins stated that medical malpractice is one of the top 3 leading causes of death in the United States.


So, suppose you think you are a victim of medical malpractice based on the information provided in this article. In that case, it’s best to meet with a medical malpractice lawyer in Chicago to help you determine whether your situation demands litigation.