Monday, March 31

Few Reasons for Personal Injuries in a Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice is the major cause of serious injuries to patients. If the doctor does not perform his duties and hurt the patient because he acted negligently, the patient and his family members have to suffer a lot. If the doctor is not qualified to give you the right kind of treatment, you can file a lawsuit against him with the help of Syracuse Personal Injury lawyers. It is strongly recommended to contact a suitable lawyer if you want to recover the losses and medical expenses. Some of the common examples of personal injuries in the medical field are mentioned below:

Birth time injuries

These injuries may or may not be reversible. The mother and baby can get injured if the doctor, nurse or any of the medical staff was negligent at the time of delivery. If the medicine is not properly administered, both mother and baby are at a higher risk of serious injuries. Some of them include brain damage, facial injuries, death of the fetus and others. The nursing home or the clinic can be held liable for the loss. 

Traumatic brain injury (TBI)

Due to the negligence of the health care provider, a person can get injured for brain injuries such as dizziness, memory loss, sleep disturbance, anxiety, persistent headache, loss of taste, sight, sensation and ringing in the ears. Depending on the extent and nature of the brain injury, you can get compensation if you hire a qualified personal injury lawyer.

Errors in diagnosing the medical condition 

If your medical condition was properly not diagnosed, you can file a lawsuit against the doctor. To receive the right kind of treatment, your doctor should tell you what medical problem you are suffering from. If he is unable to do so, you will not be able to receive the treatment on time. For instance, you cannot get the treatment for cancer if it is not detected in its initial stage.

Errors in tests

If your test results are not accurate and if you keep getting the wrong kind of treatment, you can get compensation for the same. However, you might have to get the test done from another lab or the clinic so that you can prove that the previous doctor acted negligently.

A good personal injury lawyer who specializes in medical malpractice will be able to give you assistance in your case. It is suggested to find the best lawyer nearby you.