Monday, March 31

Get Access to Eurasian Life with Turkish Citizenship


Turkey, the newly industrialized regional power, is ranking high in HDI (Human Development Index). Encircled on the three sides by seas this transcontinental country is embracing both the continents on the Bosphorus Strait. The Turkey Citizenship-by-Investment-Program, launched in January 2017 was aiming at foreign investment   to boost the growth of the real estate sector of this country. This program was designed to develop Turkish economy. Foreign applicants are allowed to invest and make economic contributions to the society of Turkey.

Benefits of this program

This program offers quite a few benefits apart from providing a chance to own a property in a Middle Eastern country. Turkish citizenship program offers visa-on-arrival or visa-free access to citizens of 111 countries. Countries like Singapore, Japan and Hong Kong are listed among these countries. Citizens belonging to other countries can reap the benefits of full citizenship. The applicants and their family members are granted full citizenship to a country that has the blessing of Mediterranean climate. One can enjoy access to Eurasian country with high standard of living and beautiful scenery through this citizenship by investment program. One that gets access to turkey can also enjoy the benefits of a stable financial, economic and political hub between Asia, Europe and Middle East. 

Along with that by investing in Turkey one becomes eligible for USA e-2 Investor Visa. This helps in many ways along with allowing conducting business is America. E-2 visa also provides benefits to the family members of the visa holder as well. Spouses are allowed to work in the U.S.A which is considerably a major benefit one can ask for. Your children can also reap the benefits of your E-2 visa if they are less than 21 years of age. With an E-2 visa, your children will be offered the chance to study in the schools of U.S.A.