Sunday, February 23

Signs You Would Make a Great Lawyer

We have all been through a stage in our life where we want to know what career path to take. It is not always the easiest decision and quite frankly some people never find out what they want to do. To have success in a field heavily depends on if your personality/characteristics fit that potential role. For example if you are introverted there is a slim chance of you becoming the next big successful motivational speaker as talking in front of hundreds of people would be your worst nightmare. This is no different when it comes to being a lawyer. You have to have the right characteristics and personality to make yourself a success. They might not all come at once but if you have a base of what it takes, you can build. From environmental to car accident lawyers, if you have all or some of the below traits, you have the potential to have a career in law. 

Hard Working

Law involves a lot of research and reading from your educational stage to your eventual day to day job. So must be the type of person who is prepared to give a lot of hours and dedication to the cause. Think countless hours of reading and research, it’s not just working within your work day. At times it will mean continuing your work way into the night, on weekends and even on holidays. If you believe you have the dedication to do that, it is an incredible valuable trait to have within the law industry.

High Confidence

Another vital trait is having a good amount of confidence. Again this is something that you can obviously work on but starting on a confident base will help you advance if you set your mind to it. Confident people tend to succeed in every task they do. This is exactly what is needed if you want to compete in the field. If you show doubt in yourself, it will attract doubt from others. Which isn’t good for your competitors, your clients or in any court proceeding.

Public Speaking/Conversational

Becoming comfortable in a public speaking format is a must. Whether that being in a room full of people or approaching and having conversation with strangers, you must be able to have that in your locker. If you can’t hold a conversation or address people, it will be extremely tough for you to succeed. 

Being Able to Debate and Stand your Ground

Having the ability to stand your ground when you are trying to prove something or when others do not agree with you is a must. In a world where proving your point is vital, you cannot crumble when challenged. Any experience in your high school debate team can be beneficial as you are going to constantly find competitors who disagree with you or their actual job is to pick holes in everything you are saying. Being strong minded, strong willed helps make a strong argument. 

These are traits which will form the basis of what you need to become a lawyer.