Monday, March 31

What Causes Birth Injuries?

Having a baby should be one of the most incredible experiences of your lifetime. Parents typically hope for a baby who is healthy and happy, and unless they have been made aware of potential issues beforehand, that is their expectation when they go in for delivery. But what happens when complications arise that lead to a birth injury? 

This might leave a parent feeling frustrated, concerned, or even angry about their experience. While not every single scenario is preventable, there are many birth injuries that can be avoided with proper care and treatment. If you experience a birth injury, you may be able to seek compensation. An Evansville personal injury attorney will be able to help you understand your options and seek recourse for the injury. 

What is Considered a Birth Injury? 

Birth injuries can vary. Most of the time, a birth injury refers to the child being born and an injury that happens to them. Approximately 2 in every 1,000 births result in an injury in the US. While birth injuries are not extremely common, they do still happen and the results can be detrimental for the child and their family. 

Most birth injuries happen during delivery, but they can also happen before or after delivery. When a mother is attended by underqualified staff or untrained nurses and doctors, there can be a much higher risk of injury. 

Some other things that may lead to injuries include low birth weight, preterm labor, lacking prenatal care, and other similar neglect. 

Common Birth Injuries

There are many different possible birth injuries a family and child may deal with. However, these are some of the most common:

  • Bruising
  • Broken bones
  • Nerve injuries
  • Brain injuries
  • Oxygen deprivation
  • Caput succedaneum, or severe scalp swelling 

Many of these accidents happen because the medical staff providing care uses equipment improperly or does not monitor the situation closely enough to react appropriately. 

When an injury does happen, you may be facing costly treatments, loss of wages, pain and suffering, and other expenses that you could recover. 

How Do Birth Injuries Happen? 

The doctor and medical staff are not always at fault when a birth injury occurs. However, if there is improper training, incorrect equipment use, or even negligence on the part of the medical providers, that is when they may be held liable. With the right care, monitoring, and training, many birth injuries can be prevented. 

These are some of the most common reasons birth injuries happen:

  • Labor complication: Complications during labor that are not addressed right away can lead to injuries. This includes things like placenta detachment, labor not progressing, or the umbilical cord strangling the baby. Doctors must act promptly to note issues and take steps to prevent injury. 
  • Improper handling: Many tools can be used for delivery of a baby. The person using those tools or handling your delivery needs to know how to do so properly. If tools or actions are handled improperly, this can cause injuries (including brachial palsy).
  • Neglect: When medical staff neglects to take action or fails to monitor the baby and labor progression correctly, this can cause injury. You and the baby should be properly monitored so intervention can be offered if needed. 
  • Treatment delays: Labor and delivery may not always move quickly, but when treatment needs to happen, it should never be delayed. Your medical staff should administer any emergency treatment in a timely manner to help prevent injuries. 

You Are Not Alone

If your child experiences a birth injury from any of these things or from the negligence of a medical provider, you will likely be eligible for compensation. You deserve compensation as you navigate the expenses and changes from a traumatic experience. 

Work with an experienced Evansville personal injury attorney to determine how to move forward and to help you seek compensation for your case.